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Snowbound: Dwelling in Winter
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224 pp, cloth ed, full color, William Morgan, PAP Press, surveys the newest relation of design and architecture and the mountains and the snow. Projects in Finland, Austria, Norway, Scotland Connecticut, Vermont, Utah, Chile, Jaoan, Noa Scotia
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Dieter Rams: The Complete Works

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Motifs set in motion, by the brilliance that brought us the Poemotion trilogy, Takahiro Kurashima. It is a carnival, entering Moirémotion, with movement in every space. The great ingenious spirit of Kurashima and moire. 96 pp, hardcover.
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Materialising Colour
A good book, a true book, is a brave one. It comes alone. Such is Materialising Colour, a brilliant new title, from Phaidon, presenting the color sense, the color history and philosophy of Giulio Ridolfo. Ridolfo is perhaps the most acclaimed design colourist in the world - it is not every table that might even know what that could mean. He is a metaphysic to color, an anthropologist to color, an explorer and historian and botanist to color. He sees colour as music, as a garden, as a story, as a context, as a moment in time, as a food and physic. He is the doctor that you call when you must have the colour be perfect. The famous Danish textile company Kvadrat has taken his work to the heart of their production. To Ridolfo, colour is the breath of the land, of the seasons and the soil and the water and the light - and that is the breadth of this book. Traveling from Friuli, his home in Northern Italy, to quarries and the Scandinavian sea, to Denmark and India, he hunts, almost as a forager, for the intimate conditions of colour. It is the long way, the complicated, long way to the soul of things. This is such a book.
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In Search of African American Space

Archives 1: Flores & Prats
From Barcelona, the first issue of Archives, that has sold out several times now - the wonderful work of Flores & Prats, color fotos of ten projects, incl the Morning Chapel at the Biennale, and the Sala Beckett.
Cy Twombly / Making Past Present
2020, 264pp, 170 color, exh catalog MFA Boston and THe Getty Museum LA, Christine Kondoleon, cloth, $65 “Many works of the ancients have become fragments. Many works of the moderns are fragments.” For all of his life, Twombly had collected ancient fragments, beginning with his first trip to Rome in 1952. He would buy Etruscan things in flea markets - he would volunteer and work at Roman excavation projects, to gather parts and pieces. His apartments and studios were staged with antiquities, seasoned in their way with the sense and color of Mediterranean culture. This is a catalog to align a bit, the Twombly modernism, with the history that he needed so near, the soil that he loved. He lived his life on ancient Roman ground, and painted upon it.
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John Cage : A Mycological Foray
2020, two volumes, boxed, 224 pp, 40 color, 32 duo tone, $55. “I began using chess and the hunting of wild mushrooms as a balance to my involvement with chance.” Cage began his mushrooming in Carmel, in 1934, when he was a starving artist and local dishwasher. His hunting lasted his entire career, across the country, in dozen of States. The first volume gathers, like foraging, assorted writings and photographs by Cage involving mushrooms. The second volume is a reproduction of a 1972 portfolio, The Mushroom Book, that Cage did with Lois long and botanist Alexander Smith. Superb color illustrations of mushrooms, folded within excerpts and notes. “Much can be learned about music by devoting oneself to the mushroom”
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Zodiac 8, America
publ Milan January 1,1961, Bruno Alfieri, slipcase, Eng/Fr/Ital "The crisis in architecture in America seems to coincide with the critical recovery of the pre-eminence of its artistic and inventive values.” A remarkable study of early 60s American design, from a European view. It includes Rudolph and Kahn, Yamasaki and Stone, George Nelson and Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies and Gropius and Breuer, chairs and schools and housing, Saarinen and Neutra. The issue concludes with The Young’s, a kind of madmen review of the new architects, all men. Blake, Lundy, Franzen. And then Kappe, Goff and Soleri, from the far West. Scully, McCoy, Portoghesi all contribute - it is to look at, in black and white, architecture in America.
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au jourd’hui January 1967
USA, 188 pp French texted An amazing issue of review, from the best magazine of the time, of America, 1967. There are 100 pages of photos of architecture - Salk Institute, University of Colorado, houses of Sellers, Venturi, Jacobsen, Esherick. And then a full panorama of MLTW, from Moore’s own house, to conclude at Sea Ranch, with remarkable photos from Morley Baer. It is America, the sure and bold, wooded and unfurled. There are thirty or so gatefolds of the fotos, as if it could not be otherwise expressed or contained. The second part of the issue presents Le Pop-Art, of Lichtenstein, Segal, Oldenburg, Warhol, Wesselman, Rosenquist. Ending with the question - what can it be like to be an American.
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Louis I. Kahn, Makers of Contemporary Architecture
Louis I. Kahn, Makers of contemporary Architecture, 1962, Vincent Scully, 128 pp cloth, first edition. Scully knows Kahn perfectly, so this is a perfect view of the first half of Kahn’s work. The Salk is only in drawings at the time, The Richards Medical is being honored. It is the start of the 60s - as Richard Wurman, in Kahn’s office would say, Lou Kahn owned the 60s.
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In Praise of Architecture
1960 Gio Ponti, trans Salvadori, cloth, first edition, 270pp. The perfect start, to the 60s. How to resist a document that offers alternate titles to itself - Peroration on Architecture / Architecture is a Crystal / Love, Architecture / Love Architects. "The leg of a chair must always be a little too thin” "Love architecture, for the illusions of grace, of lightness, of strength, of serenity, of movement achieved by heavy stone and frigid structure.” "This book is my truth or my truths - each reader will get his own truth or truths.”
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Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, Robert Venturi
The first in a projected series on architecture, as MOMA imagined its place to the headlines of the 60s. Venturi knew perfectly the East Coast and its intellectual legacy - he is surely one of few architects to walk with T.S. Eliot. And Kahn, it is often declared is Venturi’s mentor. But C & C is something other, it is a collective of parts, unjudged and welcomed. It is to Venturi, “ the difficult unity of inclusion rather than the easy unity of exclusion.” It is the response to the true 60s, the long past and the only barely possible future. 138pp MOMA Publications Papers on Architecture, 1966, paperback First ed. $95, cloth Second printing, $75
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l’architecture d’au jourd’hui, #142 February 1969
A lovely issue, to mark the end of the 60s, a full tribute to Kahn, with 12 pages of sketches reproduced on textured stock. Text in French, with English insert. Specific attention to Ahmedabad, Dacca, Kimbell, Exeter Library and the Salk. An overview of a master. 110pp, 2 color printing. 2 copies on hand. One, $95, loose binding, one $160, very good.
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a+u 73:01 Louis I. Kahn Silence and Light
A full tribute to Kahn, who would die a year later of cardiac arrest in Penn Station. Many photos are of the construction sites, including scaffolding. Lovely images of details, plan drawings, sketches. Organized in eight parts, titled The Room, the Street and Human Agreement, it includes the 24 major Kahn projects, to date. "The plan is a society of rooms". "The street is a community room." It is the tribute of one of the world’s great architecture publications to one architect. Oversized paperback, very good, $425 ( two copies available)
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a+u 1975 Special Issue Louis I. Kahn
If the a+u 1973 issue was a tribute, then this volume is a bow, and a bestowed honor. There are seven projects covered, seventeen main works photographed, sixteen projects in single sketch, thirty six working drawings, and numerous tributes, from Scully, Smithson, Maki, Doshi. It is an intimate album of acknowledgement. 328pp, full color.
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